We've really been enjoying our time with Kara's family here in St. Louis. We got to g

o to a Cardinals' game at their new stadium on my birthday, and we've also been able to do a lot of things with Kara's parents and with her sister, Krista, and her husband and kids.
It was really a treat for us to be able to share at Kara's home church, Mid-Rivers Baptist Chapel, a couple of weeks ago. I got to preach the sermon and Kara got to share about the children's home and what we'll be doing there. It was neat to be able to do that with the people who played such a big role in shaping her faith while she was in middle school and high school. We're also looking forward to doing the same thing at the churches I grew up in in TX.
Right now we're preparing for a massive garage sale at the Holemans' house, which they're doing as a fundraiser for us. It always amazes me how much stuff we all have, and even more that there are people out there who want to buy it.
We're heading to TX next week- we'll be at the ranch and eating the finest Tex-Mex in the galaxy by Wednesday.