
Monday, November 19, 2007


We are having a hard time getting back into blogging again, mainly because there is just too much to write about from our month back in the States! Therefore, I thought it might be easier to do a separate post about each place we visited during our time there and hopefully that will help us to get caught up.

We flew into St. Louis on Tuesday, October 16th. We had a busy but fun week that included attending my three year-old nephew Kyle's preschool fall party, a few games nights with my family and lots of wonderful food! On Sunday, we showed a video that Daniel had put together of our time so far in Guatemala to the congregation at my home church, Mid-Rivers Baptist Chapel. We also had the opportunity to share about some of our experiences. It was so good to see a lot of friends that day and it was a very encouraging morning for us. I was so thankful that many of my family members and my friend Amy also came that morning.

On Monday night, my home church hosted a fundraiser night for us at McAllister's Deli. We were overwhelmed by the turnout that night. Thank you to each of you who came! Unfortunately, I was not able to attend that night because I had been diagnosed with pneumonia that morning! My lungs had been hurting and I hadn't been feeling that great so I thought I should have it checked out since we were going to fly to Texas the following day. I was shocked to learn that I had pneumonia though. The doctor told me that I should delay flying, so Daniel went on to Texas on Tuesday and I rested at my parents' house until I could join him on Friday.

Here are a few pictures of our time in Missouri:
We were greeted at the airport by my sister (Krista), niece (Kaedyn), and nephew (Kyle) -- complete with welcome banner and balloons! What a nice welcome!

Kyle helped us with our luggage, even though my suitcase was almost as big as him!
Trying out Kaitlyn and Kaedyn's new bunk beds.
Kyle at his fall party.
My friend, Amy, and her daughter, Disa.
Daniel, my grandpa and me. We missed the family reunion this summer, but my grandpa gave us these t-shirts to help us feel a part of it. We all wore them on Saturday during our Missouri visit.


Anonymous said...

I so like the reunion t-shirts!!!

kjohnsons said...

We had a GREAT time with you guys!!

Laura Ittmann said...

It was great to see you all! Merry Christmas.