
Monday, November 19, 2007


We love being at NLCH, but 14 months without seeing my parents, being on the ranch, eating any of the 9,000 things my Mom can make with green chile, or getting fajitas at Rosa's Cafe... it had been way too long.

My brother, Adam, and his family came up for a few days to visit. I was so thankful that they made the long drive so that we could see them during our time in the States. I had quite a bit of a cough during our time in Texas, so I didn't get to wrestle around with my nephew, Jack, like I would have liked to do, but it was still great to see them.

While in Midland, we were able to share about the ministry at NLCH at St. Paul's UMC, St. Mark's UMC, and a group of Christians who meet for lunch each week. It was a pretty full week in that sense, but life is never too very fast-paced out there, which is part of why I'm always looking forward to the next time we get to go back.

One of the highlights of the trip was that my parents took us to Lubbock to go to the Texas Tech vs. Colorado game. Kara had never been to a college game before, so even though Tech didn't play too well that day, we still had a lot of fun.

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