
Saturday, June 28, 2008

Staying Connected

Our time in Guatemala would not have been possible without the financial support of a large number of people. We are overwhelmingly thankful for the provision that gave us this opportunity.

We're working on getting out our final newletters with this information as well, but I wanted to go ahead and address it on the blog so that it's accessible now. Several of our donors have asked us when to make their final donations. Although we are now back in the States, we are considering July to be our last month on staff with New Life Advance International, since we will be traveling and speaking at churches regarding the children's home until I start my new job at Midland First UMC on July 15. Therefore (for those who have asked), we continue to have ministry expenses for NLCH into July.

Changing gears a little bit- Kara and I are so proud of the ministries of New Life Children's Home, and we have seen them to be so effective and of such high quality that we want to continue to be a support to them even though we're no longer living and working there. One way that we feel we can do that is by giving good information to those who have supported us about different means through which they can continue to invest in the lives of the kids at NLCH. Kara and I have chosen three avenues, in each of which we have been personally involved and can recommend with the highest confidence:

1. The College Scholarship Fund
We spent a lot of time with the high school and college-aged young people at NLCH, and came to love them dearly. Through the ministries of NLCH, God has delivered them from terribly painful pasts, and we want to see the best for each one of them in their futures. This is why we are so supportive of NLCH's recently-created College Scholarship Fund.

In a country where only 1 of every 8 girls who begin 1st grade finish 6th grade, and less than 7% of the total population receive a college education, the kids of NLCH have been blessed to know that they will have the opportunity to get an education. For years, the kids who have finished high school have begun to work full-time jobs while studying in the university on weekends. Now that we have more of the kids entering college, as a way of honoring José Angel's memory the CSF was created with the hope of taking the kids' educational opportunities a step farther.

Since the university system in Guatemala functions differently than in the States, some careers are only possible if one studies as a full-time student. For example, Luis is one of our boys who graduated high school last year, and he wants to become an architect. He worked very hard to finish his high school studies that would prepare him to study architecture in the university, and is currently working for an architect and gaining valuable experience. However, he cannot complete his studies unless he is able to study full-time. The same is true for those who want to study medicine, law, and some other careers.

The College Scholarship fund will make these opportunities possible to the kids of NLCH, and will expand the impact that they are able to make upon their own country. To make a donation, you can use one of the means listed here, and mark the donation "College Scholarship Fund."

2. Child Sponsorships
For NLCH's budget to be met, each child needs 12 sponsors at $25 each per month. You will form a relationship with the child, being able to communicate with each other, send birthday/Christmas cards, etc. We have personally seen how much difference an involved sponsor can make in one of the kids' lives and character.

You can become a sponsor by clicking here and sending your information to NLCH.

3. Construction Funds
NLCH is currently involved in a large construction project, which includes a new housing unit for the girls (Casa Elisabeth, completed in 2006), one for the boys (Casa Anthony, currently under construction), and a future unit for babies and toddlers (Casa Kevin). The project also includes housing for staff, and new offices/library/dining hall.

You can help move these projects toward completion by clicking here and marking your donation "Construction."

Just so that you know, NLCH has not asked us to raise another penny for them. We simply want to pass this information along because we love these ministries so much and know that some who have supported us would want to know a way to continue helping those precious kids.


Anonymous said...

since ya'll aren't in Guate anymore are ya'll still going to keep the blog up...especially with pics of the baby?

Home of Harris said...

We are so glad ya'll are "home"!! We love the three of you and are praying for you. Happy Birthday Dan. The Harris 5