
Saturday, September 16, 2006

Our First Month

We´ve now got more than a month behind us in Antigua. In some ways it seems like we´ve been here forever (like if I think of the last time I got to have chips & salsa in TX), in other ways it very much feels like we´re still just getting started (like when I try to understand any conversation between two Guatemalans).

The first month has had quite a bit of both the good and the bad. Some things have been and continue to be frustrating. Kara´s just had to deal with one thing after the other; first it was our stomach problems, then she´s had problems with her back, and then after some pain in her ear we had to take her in to Guatemala City right away to get see a specialist- turns out she had a pretty bad ear infection. Also, we knew we would face isolation down here, and we are. Thankfully the internet allows us to keep up with family and friends, but it´s still difficult.

On the other hand, there have been tremendously positive points to our first month here. We´re as close to each other as we ever have been, and we were able to celebrate a wonderful 5th anniversary together. Also, one of the big reasons we came was so that we could learn to live more dependently on the Lord, and we are. We realize more and more how much we need him for everything, because we´re miles away from being self-sufficient down here. Everything from depending on him for finances and material things, to being more dependent than ever on prayer and the scriptures to help keep us focused- we wanted to come here to know God more closely, and I can´t express how thankful I am that that´s already happening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are proud of you guys and love you both.