
Saturday, October 13, 2007


You may wonder what I am doing in the above picture. Am I preparing a meal for a baby? No, I am tricking the teens in our discipleship group into eating green beans! While I love green beans, I quickly discovered that the kids here won't eat them. That lesson was easily learned as the bowl sat untouched through a discipleship group dinner. I was so disappointed.

However, I learned from Wendy that for some unknown reason, while the kids will not eat them in their usual form, they will eat them if you cut them up in small pieces. I tried it and it works! I served them last night and as I passed the bowl around the table, one of the teen boys next to me said, "Oh, I love these and piled them on his plate!" Hooray! Victory!

I wish I knew why cutting them in tiny pieces makes such a difference. Perhaps it is because green beans are not very common here (I get cans from a store that imports things from the U.S.). So, maybe in the small form they resemble some vegetable here? Who knows! I am just glad they will eat them now.

(Lisa if you are reading this, my experiment reminded me of the tricks you use to get your girls to eat healthy things and your Deceptively Delicious cookbook recommendation. I am all for tricking kids if it gets them to eat good stuff!)

1 comment:

Lisa (the girls' moma) said...

Absolutely! Exactly what I was thinking too! I wonder if my girls would try them if I cut them into smaller pieces... I'll have to see!