
Monday, December 03, 2007

Pancake Breakfast

Last night, the interns had a sleepover for the little boys. They had a great time watching movies and eating special snacks.

This morning, the sleepover came to a close with breakfast at our apartment. The little guys were pretty cute showing up at our door in their pjs.

A few lessons were learned from this breakfast: (1) little boys and syrup are a bad combination, (2) when serving pancakes to little boys, you should not allow them to put on their own syrup, (3) little boys get into everything, (4) Daniel and I do not want to have eight children (especially 8 boys!), and (5) this may have been a one-time only event.

I used place cards at the table to try to separate some of the ones who seem to pick on each other. Who knew that they would actually like this... I am sure it helped that each name card had a Spiderman sticker! They asked if they could take their name cards with them. Then Josue asked me if he could take our Christmas tree with him.

When I was little, I used to love it when my grandpa would make me a "K" pancake. Therefore, I made a chocolate chip letter pancake for each boy, or rather I should say that I "attempted" to make a letter pancake for each boy. I have a new found respect for my grandpa. Those letters are hard to make and especially hard to flip without breaking!

It was a crazy and very messy morning. I think our apartment is permanently sticky, but it was worth it... I think.

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