
Saturday, June 16, 2007

Discipleship Groups

For the past five weeks, Daniel and I have had discipleship groups of older teens on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. These groups have become a highlight of the week for us. On Wednesdays, we have six teens and on Thursdays seven teens and young adults. The groups are held in our apartment and I am able to cook dinner for them which has been fun. It is so nice just to be able to sit back in a relaxed atmosphere and enjoy the kids as we eat dinner together, laugh, and share what God is doing in our lives.

We are going through the book "Experiencing God" with them. A lot of the time, I have no idea what they are sharing but do not want to continually ask them to repeat themselves. Therefore, I often find myself nodding along in agreement, pretending that I understand, even though I have no idea what is being said. That is probably a very bad idea -- who knows what I am agreeing with?!

We are constantly amazed by these kids. Above is a picture of our Thursday night group washing all of the dishes. They do this every week and we have never asked them to help out. One of the Wednesday night girls comes early to help me prepare the meal, even though I never asked her to do that.


Tim P said...

If you are cooking two meals a week for large groups, then I think I might need to bring down a lot more stuff to make Santa Fe soup!

The Meadows said...

Your apartment looks nice!