
Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thank You, St. Paul's Chapel

One of the churches from the States that is the most involved here at NLCH is St. Paul's Chapel UMC from Red Lion, PA. They bring groups down twice a year, and because of that, have a lot of people in their church and community who knew Chepe and have been grieving right along with us- even if it has been from thousands of miles away.

Because so many folks there knew Chepe, they decided to have a memorial service for him last Sunday. Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, we even got to be a part of the service with them. They set up a laptop with a video camera in their sanctuary, so we could see and hear everything that they did to remember Chepe. Using our computer and camera, Kendon was even able to say some words to the congregation.

It was a very good experience for us to feel connected with these people as Juan, Kendon, Wendy, Ian, Kara and I were able to participate with them in giving thanks to God for Chepe's life.

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