
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Ultimate Blunder

Last night Daniel and I were talking with Ruben about how he has only slept three hours in the past three nights. He and Chepe were roommates. We talked with him about how strange it must be for Chepe not to be there. A few minutes later, some of the boys asked about playing cards. I turned to invite Ruben and I said, "Chepe, do you want to play cards with us?" It was one of those times when the words come out of your mouth and then you realize with horror what you have said and you just freeze. I wished so badly I could grab those words back before they were heard. Ruben just gave me a sad smile, I put my hand over my mouth, apologized and then corrected the invitation. I can't believe I called him Chepe!


Anonymous said...

I have been doing that numerous times....I think it is just because Chepe is so much on our minds and in our hearts right now. don't beat yourself up...

Anonymous said...

Kara, God can use our words for healing - you don't know what might come from those words! Rosemary